Valley Fire Protection Services
Fire Sprinkler Systems
Fire sprinkler systems are among the most integral safety components in a fire protection plan. It’s therefore essential that the right fire protection partner is chosen to design, install, repair, replace and maintain the system.
Valley Fire offers an unparalleled level of professionalism. Regardless of the size of the organization we assist or the complexity of the project, we deliver on time with exceptional results.
Fire sprinklers for commercial and residential buildings
Owners and managers of commercial buildings have significant concerns when it comes to fire safety. This is why they contract with trusted professionals like Valley Fire for their fire sprinkler system needs.
Aside from offering protection for the people inside a commercial or residential building, fire sprinklers also protect things like merchandise, important records, expensive electronics and data that would otherwise go up in flames.
At Valley Fire, we adhere to all rules and regulations surrounding the installation and maintenance of fire sprinkler systems.
We offer reliable systems and professional help to ensure your property’s security. Get in touch with us and we’ll answer all of your questions. You can also fill out our online quote request form to obtain a free quote.
Fire sprinkler design and build
Every company has different needs. At Valley Fire, we have the expertise to design and build the most suitable system befitting the individual client’s needs. Our in-house design professionals custom design every system for our clients and our team of professional installation experts deliver exceptional outcomes.
We specialize in:
With the design-and-build method, we can tackle any size project. For clients who have older, more difficult to retrofit buildings, we come up with solutions that work — every time.
Our portfolio of design-and-build projects includes schools and university buildings, government facilities, hospitals and nursing homes, warehouses, factories and high-rise condos.
Listen to a fire survivor as he tells his story.
This underscores the importance of having a properly functioning fire sprinkler system in place. Turn on your audio to hear what Jordan has to say!
Types of fire sprinklers
There are a variety of fire sprinklers available for installation at commercial properties. If you’ve got a specific requirement, there’s a sprinkler that will fit it. While all sprinklers have some similarities, each is unique. For example, the sprinklers that work on a deluge system wouldn’t be appropriate for a standard wet pipe system. To avoid any confusion, let’s go over the four major types below:
Pendant sprinklers
Among the most commonly installed are the pendant-type sprinkler. They protrude down from the ceiling and have a deflector attached to them so that when the system is activated, water will hit the deflector and spread out in a circular pattern, covering a wide area.
Sidewall sprinklers
For smaller areas that aren’t a good fit for regular sprinklers, the sidewall sprinkler is a great option. Hotels often use these, as water pipes in the ceilings aren’t an option and are instead placed in the walls. Rather than deploying water in a full circular pattern, the water is shot down in a half-circle spray pattern.
Upright sprinklers
For commercial properties containing ductwork or beams that block the ceiling, an upright sprinkler is a preferred style. The sprinkler simply sits on top of the water pipe and the water is directed into a deflector similar to that on the pendant sprinkler, redirecting the water downward, in a circular pattern.
Concealed sprinklers
Concealed sprinklers provide a smoother, cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing look; as these sprinklers are close to flush with a finished surface.
A plate is placed over the hole in the wall or ceiling to conceal the sprinkler, but in an emergency situation, the plate will fall off at a lower temperature than the sprinkler’s rating.
Concealed sprinklers are similar to pendant sprinklers in that they too utilize a fluid-filled glass bulb or a fusible link as their activation mechanism.
Talk to Valley Fire Protection about your commercial property and we will fit you with the right sprinklers. Our experience makes us experts in installation, repair, replacement and maintenance of sprinklers of all types.

Fire Sprinkler Systems
Fire Sprinkler Installation
In addition to our complete in-house design team, Valley also has professional installation experts and project managers on our staff who provide a single point of responsibility for quality, cost and schedule adherence. The seamless working relationship among our professionals is part of the reason we have become the go-to fire protection and plumbing contractor in the Midwest.
We have the expertise to install fire protection and suppression systems in all types of construction, from residential homes to high-rise office buildings. We also work with industrial manufacturing companies to outfit their facilities with state-of-the-art systems.
When our clients need a job done on time and under a very specific set of rules, Valley Fire delivers.
Sprinkler repair & maintenance
With such exhaustive control measures, Valley Fire is able to diagnose any problem with a fire sprinkler system. We’re also able to repair any part of the system that has been damaged.
Maintenance is vitally important if the fire sprinkler system is going to work when a fire occurs. We specialize in conducting installation maintenance of water-based fire protection systems. Proactive maintenance ensures optimal system performance.
For more information about our maintenance or repair services, feel free to contact our team. We’ll be more than happy to answer all of your questions.
Fire sprinkler services for new construction, system upgrades and retrofits
From new construction to system upgrades to retrofitting an existing system, Valley Fire has the experience necessary to help companies in a wide range of industries.
As technology in our industry advances, Valley is always among the first to adopt it. We have extensive experience with systems, some of which are many decades old, and we know how to retrofit old systems with more modern technology.
With new construction projects, we design and build customized fire sprinkler systems to protect the contents of the facility, whether it’s a high-rise residential building, commercial building or a plant working with highly flammable materials.
The premier fire sprinkler company in Greater Chicago & Northern Indiana
At Valley Fire Protection, we realize that our clients seek out qualified, professional fire protection experts that can meet their every need. Commercial properties differ as much as their occupants’ unique requirements, but at VFP, we expertly follow insurance specifications, regulatory codes, environmental and operation concerns while staying within our clients’ budget parameters.
Keeping a tight focus on upholding high level of compliance, safety and quality standards is what made VFP the go-to contractor for fire sprinkler services in Greater Chicago and Northern Indiana. From installation to maintenance to repair of fire sprinkler systems of all types, our experienced, certified and insured professionals are poised to assist commercial customers 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Get connected with the highest quality fire protection services today. Start by requesting an online quote, or call us and we’ll talk about the system that will best fit your property.
Emergency Response & Service
When a sprinkler system or plumbing crisis occurs, you want it dealt with fast, but you also want it fixed the first time. Valley Fire Protection does both!
The Illinois Department of Public Health has certified VFP Plumbing as compliant with state provisions, rules and regulations,and has licensed us as a certified plumbing contractor. We are commercial fire protection and plumbing experts with the required skills to design, install and repair a variety of fire protection and plumbing systems.