Education Fire Safety
From daycare centers and nurseries to high schools and college campuses, fires can happen anywhere at any time. Properly installed sprinkler systems offer educational fire safety protection 24/7/365, even when no one is in class or working on campus.
Valley Fire Protection has installed fire sprinkler systems, fire pumps, and special hazard systems in universities, dorms, schools, daycare centers, and nurseries all across the Midwest. Special hazard systems are especially common in IT rooms, computer labs, and libraries as the items contained in these areas could potentially be damaged if introduced to water.
To prevent loss of life and property damage, it’s important for administrators to be proactive. Emergency evacuation plans should be posted and fire drills should be conducted periodically to ensure students, faculty members and visitors know where to go in the event of an emergency.
There is no substitute for daycare, nursery, school or university fire protection.
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